Saturday, June 29, 2024

Acupuncture in the 21st century.

Introduction: Acupuncture is a form of therapy and alternative medicine based on the insertion of thin and specific needles into specific points on people´s bodies...

Medical marijuana, Thinking about trying medical marijuana?

When you hear of medical marijuana, think of a plant that can treat a wide variety of symptoms. CBD (cannabidiol) is the most proponent...

The dangers of vaping, common vaping products and effects on health

Vaping is a growing trend among cannabis consumers. It is easy and discreet to consume cannabis, and many consider it a safer alternative to...

What is Keto Diet?, What is the advantages and disadvantage of the Keto diet?

Introduction:, The ketogenic diet, or just keto diet, is an eating plan based on the consumption of low portions of carbohydrates with moderate amounts of...

Substance abuse, Chemical dependency, and effects on the health.

Substance abuse is the clinical term that relates to a way of utilizing a substance (drug) that prompts severe effects. This may include missing...